Edition Info
Since its foundation, FOTOHOF has been publishing catalogues and books by Austrian and international photo artists. These editorial activities led to the establishment of a publishing house with international distribution in 1999. Today, the approximately 360 publications of FOTOHOF>EDITION are available in bookshops as well as via our online shop. The publications are also presented to an interested public at numerous international festivals, for example in Amsterdam, Arles, Leipzig and Vienna.
In addition, editions with original photographs are produced with many of the artists published or exhibited in FOTOHOF. Signed and numbered – they are available either as extensive portfolios or as individual prints in connection with the respective books.

FOTOHOF>EDITION focuses on the monographic photo book as an independent artistic form, but also on collective catalogues and theory. The wide-ranging program offers a representative overview of contemporary artistic photography in Austria and beyond. The volumes of Photoinstitut Bonartes are dedicated to photo-historical research, individual important historical positions as well as culturally and historically significant photographic uses, and since 2019 also the publications of the in-house series of the FOTOHOF>ARCHIV. In addition to the exclusive cooperation with the Bonartes research and exhibition centre, which is important far beyond Austria’s borders, FOTOHOF>EDITION is a publishing partner of numerous museums and institutions, such as the Salzburg Museum, the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, the Theatermuseum Wien, the Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna or INNSITU Innsbruck.

Contact & Visiting
The books are available at the bookshop in FOTOHOF at Inge-Morath-Platz and online. For questions about the publishing house, please send an e-mail to: fotohof@fotohof.at.
Publishing team: Brigitte Blüml-Kaindl, Rainer Iglar, Pia Jakober, Kurt Kaindl, Helena Kalleitner, Michael Mauracher, Peter Schreiner, Birgit Sattlecker, Herman Seidl