>Gallery >Exhibitions >Fotografie aus Schweden

Nadja Bournonville, Kerstin Hamilton, Erik Viklund


Fotografie aus Schweden

Exhibition view, “Fotografie aus Schweden“, 2015, © FOTOHOF

The exhibition brings together three young Swedish fine art photographers, each developing their photographic oeuvre along quite different conceptual lines.


Naja Bournoville

In her new group of works entitled “Blindfell“, Nadja Bournonville focuses on the act of seeing and on distortions in perception as the starting point for an exploration of the world around us. Her photos have been taken at natural history museums, museums that focus on blindness, and amusement parks. The protagonists she depicts in her photographs have often been deprived of their sense of sight, their eyes cut out or covered up.


Nadja Bournonville, “Ludere“, from the series: “Blindfell“, 2015, Analog C-Print, 93 x 74 cm

Kerstin Hamilton

In her extensive research work Kerstin Hamilton uses the full range of possibilities afforded by traditional documentary photography. “The String of Pearls“ is a project she has worked on with sociologist Karl Palmers. It looks at the area around Hambantota on Sri Lanka’s southern coastline where, under China’s influence, an international airport, a cricket stadium, and the largest port in South Asia are under construction as part of a global strategy.

Kerstin Hamilton, “Port Viewpoint“, 2012, Digital C-Print, 27 x 27 cm

Erik Viklund

Erik Viklund showcases photographs from his 2012 work “Stilla Hastighet“ in the form of a spatial installation. It examines the often difficult phase of becoming an adult. Viklund’s imagery is subjective and characterised by the superimposition of documentary and staged photography. His image compositions are associative and very emotional in their expressive impact, as is often the case with the realities of young people’s lives.

Erik Viklund, “Untitled #28“, from the series: “Stilla Hastighet“, 2012, Pigment Print, 35 x 25 cm