>Gallery >Exhibitions >Sehensucht

Marnix Goosens




Marnix Goossen’s photographic work focuses on three groups: Nature, portraiture and still life, with nature and still life making up the larger part. They are often close-ups of trees, plants and landscapes. He draws attention mainly to the natural aesthetics of plants, startling and unusual situations in landscape architecture or real objects or images of nature in the home. The images evoke a sense of alienation by emphasising unexpected contrasts and details. This approach pushes the viewer’s gaze to the structures of natural and artificial materials.
His work is characterised by great brilliance and sharpness of detail, which he achieves with the large format camera. His search for motifs takes a lot of time and before he chooses the ideal image detail: His aim is to capture timeless, static moments rather than fleeting scenes. Goossens discovers the beauty of our immediate, often banal surroundings and amazes us by emphasising the inconspicuous in the everyday.
The exhibition at the FOTOHOF gives a cross-section of his work of the last four years. The artist confronts us with absurd scenes and makes the familiar of everyday life seem precious to the viewer.

Marnix Goossens, »Monirose«
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Mondriaan Foundation