>Gallery >News >Arles Book Fair 2024

Arles Book Fair 2024

> 02.07.2024 - 06.07.2024

At the invitation of the Rencontres d’Arles, France PhotoBook is once again organizing the 2024 Arles Books Fair, at l’École nationale supérieure de la photographie and le Collège Saint-Charles. Dedicated to the richness and variety of publishing practices, this event will be punctuated by a program of meetings with photographers and authors and will bring together some fifty international publishing houses.
This year, FOTOHOF>EDITION is once again present at the photo book fair with its publishing program. We would like to highlight the following book signings from FOTOHOF>EDITION during the fair in Arles: Nadine Weixler & Peter Schreiner, Mario Wezel, Uta Kögelsberger, and Anna Breit.
Two of our new books are shortlisted for awards: Historical Book Award: ROLAND FISCHER-BRIAND (Ed.), »Fabulous Photography, Ready for the Stage! The Albums of Hubert Marischka«; Author Book Award: ELFIE SEMOTAN, »All Personal«.

École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie
30, Avenue Victor Hugo
13200 Arles

Book Signings

Thursday, 04.07.24, 17:30−18:30:
>Nadine Weixler & Peter Schreiner »Portraits, Salzburg, 2021«

Friday, 05.07.24, 17:30−18:30:
>Mario Wezel »The End of Immortality« including signing of the Special Edition

Friday, 05.07.24, 17:30−18:30:
>Uta Kögelsberger »FOREST COMPLEX«

Friday, 05.07.24, 18:30−19:30:
>Anna Breit »Look Book − 01«

© Mateusz Dworczyk