>Gallery >News >International Archives Day

International Archives Day

> 04.06.2024 - 08.06.2024

On the occasion of the International Archives Day in Salzburg, we would be delighted to welcome you to these public tours of the FOTOHOF>ARCHIV at Sparkassenstraße 2. All presentations begin with a short guided tour of the FOTOHOF>ARCHIV. Participation is free of charge and registration is not required.

Edith Tudor-Hart

»Grenzüberschreitung und Exil« – We present our work with the oeuvre of Edith Tudor-Hart and trace her life from her work in Vienna to her flight to England and her photographic and political work in her exile. The FOTOHOF>ARCHIVE holds her entire estate and numerous documents, which will be presented to visitors during this tour. During the Days of the Archives, the FOTHOF will also be showing a retrospective of her work in the gallery.
04.06.24, 6 pm & 07.06.24, 7 pm

Heinz Cibulka

»Grenzen des Tabus – Heinz Cibulka und der Wiener Aktionismus« – He worked with the most important founders of Actionism, made himself available as a model for the actions and then emancipated himself from this movement with his own photographic-artistic work. In the guided tour, we trace this development with numerous pictures and original documents.
05.06.24, 7 pm

Heidi Harsieber

»Die eigenen Grenzen ausloten – Heidi Harsieber und die feministische Avantgarde« – She has been working as an artistic photographer since the 1960s, placing her body and her situation as a woman at the center of her photographic work in a manner comparable to today’s so-called »feminist avant-garde«. Since the retrospective exhibition “Hand.Kamera” in Linz, this work has finally been sufficiently recognized. The FOTOHOF has been working with her for a long time and can offer exciting insights into some of her unpublished works.
08.06.24, 12 am

Heidi Harsieber