>Gallery >News >Pop-Up in Gmunden

Pop-Up in Gmunden

> 30.06.2024 - 27.07.2024

During »Gmunden.Photo 2024«, in addition to its main location in Salzburg FOTOHOF will open a summer branch in the Salzkammergut-pharmacy at the corner of Traungasse 7 and Marktplatz and present a selection of current photo books and editions from its extensive publishing program from the end of June to the end of July.

Since its founding, FOTOHOF has published catalogs and books by Austrian and international photo artists. The 375 FOTOHOF>EDITION publications to date are available in bookshops and via the online store. They are also presented to an interested public at numerous international festivals, for example in Amsterdam, Arles, Leipzig and Vienna.

In addition, editions with original photographs are produced with many of the published or exhibited artists. These are signed and numbered – they are available either as extensive portfolios or as individual sheets, also in conjunction with the respective books.

Books and pictures by, among others by Miriam Bajtala, Anna Breit, Renate Bertlmann, VALIE EXPORT, Lillian Birnbaum, Paul Kranzler, Leo Kandl, Peter Dressler, Stefanie Moshammer, Ulrike Lienbacher, Simon Lehner, Elfie Semotan, Anna Jermolaewa, Michael Ponstingl, Nikolaus Walter, Oswald Wiener, Kurt Kaindl, Anja Manfredi, Judith Stehlik, Reinhart Mlineritsch, Andrew Phelps, Iris Andraschek and many more.

Pop-Up Opening: Sunday, 30.06.24, from 10:00 am
with Würstel & Beer
As a preview to the opening of »Gmunden.Photo«, the pop-up store can already be visited on Saturday afternoon.

Salzkammergut-Apotheke | Traungasse 7 | 4810 Gmunden
Opening Hours: Tue 10 am-1 pm, Thu 3-6 pm, Fri 3-6 pm, Sat 10-12 am and 3-6 pm