>Shop >Publications >Einführung in die Kunstgeschichte

Victor Burgin, Stéphane Couturier, Danica Dakic, Peter Dressler, Cecilia Edefalk, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Maria Hahnenkamp, Candida Höfer, Edgar Honetschläger, Franz Kapfer, Katharina Mayer, Claudia Pilsl, Timm Rautert, Klaus Scherübel, Peter Schlör, Thomas Struth - Einführung in die Kunstgeschichte

Einführung in die Kunstgeschichte


The snowball principle of art; art as a conglomerate of works and people that refer more or less explicitly to one another; every particle absorbed into the art conglomerate becomes connected with every other particle, and all remain stored therein, for ever. Hidden behind the intentionally fusty title An introduction to the history of art is not a cross-section through what has been and gone, but a topical exhibition concept aimed at examining the modern “art on art”, i.e. the relations between the individual components of the art conglomerate. Sixteen international artists showcase works – films, installations and photographs – that deal with the representation of known examples from art history. The subliminal connections, the allusions, are made explicit, and the use of specific works of art from different ages, largely un-manipulated, paves the way for a discussion of entirely new issues. One area of focus, highlighted also in the texts by the three authors, looks at issues such as the photography of art and photography as art.

mit Arbeiten von: Victor Burgin, Stéphane Couturier, Danica Dakic, Peter Dressler, Cecilia Edefalk, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Maria Hahnenkamp, Candida Höfer, Edgar Honetschläger, Franz Kapfer, Katharina Mayer, Claudia Pilsl, Timm Rautert, Klaus Scherübel, Peter Schlör, Thomas Struth
2007, Hardcover, dust jacket
23.6 × 18.5 cm, 150 Pages
47 Colour images
HG: Martin Hochleitner
Text: Friedrich Tietjen, Martin Hochleitner, Anselm Wagner

Language: English, German

ISBN: 978-3-901756-92-4


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