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Walter Niedermayr, Timm Rautert, Florian Schwinge

Walter Niedermayr, Timm Rautert, Florian Schwinge - Industrielle Bildwelten

Industrielle Bildwelten


Tiroler Industrie in zeitgenössischer Fotografie

Industry today is increasingly beyond the reach of mediation by visual means. High-tech production processes, altered and almost dematerialised operations make it much more difficult to gain a simple understanding and produce a conclusive depiction through images.

To mark its 60th anniversary the Industriellenvereinigung Tirol [Tyrol Industrialists’ Association] invited seven international photographers to capture and reflect Tyrol’s industry in images. Their photographic work addresses on the one hand the changes in attitude towards work, production processes and products (Timm Rautert, Robin Merkisch, Florian Schwinge) and, on the other, the interplay between architectural and spatial structures and the people working within them (Walter Niedermayr, Mona Breede, Miklos Gaál).

2007, Hardcover
27 × 24.5 cm, 112 Pages
Edition: 1500
HG: Gabriele Rath, Günther Moschig, Industriellen Vereinigung Tirol
Text: Susanne Witzgall, Reinhard Matz

Language: German

ISBN: 978-3-901756-84-9


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Delivery time: ≤ 5 Werktage

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