Nikolaus Schletterer
Nikolaus Schletterer - Lichten
€ 29,00
Schletterer’s glorious large format photographs of interiors, seascapes, landscapes, and glowing objects ask fundamental questions about the nature of photography. What makes a photograph? What is seeing? How do we confirm that what we’re seeing is real? By alternating our viewpoint, while maintaining a strong photographic consistency, Schletterer allows us to take a look at what it would be like if we could all see with the same eyes, and the world has never looked so refreshingly paradoxical. An Austrian who works in Innsbruck, Schletterer’s photographs echo with the familiar reverberations of socio-documentary. Nothing escapes his sight; the unseen, the overseen, the ignored. On the cover of Lighten, Schletterer’s camera languidly appraises the folds of a theater’s curtain. The stage is spotlit and the house lights are dimmed. Sit up straight, open your eyes, – the show’s about to begin.
Nikolaus Schletterer, * 1960 in Kufstein (Austria); lebt und arbeitet in Innsbruck.
Language: English, German
€ 29,00