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- Reality under Construction

Christina Natlacen (Hg)

Reality under Construction


Fotografische und filmische Weltentwürfe sichtbar machen

Reality under Construction. (Making Photo- graphic and Cinematic World Designs Visible): Behind this title is a joint project whose par- ticipants are located in science, art and design or in a self-defined area between these disciplines. The contributors have accepted the challenge of presenting new ways of look- ing at photographic and film footage, as well as sharing their view of the world through artistic works. They all understand reality as the result of multiple constructions that emerge from individual and collective influences and pursue specific intentions. The volume offers a kaleidoscope of exemplary analyses spanning approximately one hundred and twenty years-from 1900 to 2020-of photographic and cinematic media history as well as artistic image production.

2021, Hardcover
19 × 13.5 cm, 224 Pages
59 Colour images
26 B/W images
Edition: 500
Text: Katharina Hahn, Kerstin Küchler, Julia Lübbecke, Florian Merdes, Christina Natlacen, Nicolas Rossi, Sandra Schubert, Anna Voswinckel

Language: German

Design: Jasper Otto Eisenecker
ISBN: 978-3-903334-17-5


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Delivery time: ≤ 5 Werktage

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