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Jürgen Bergbauer

Jürgen Bergbauer - Studien nach der Natur

Studien nach der Natur


The book’s starting point was based on photographs of boulders of the type found at motorway services, in residential areas that have traffic-calming measures, or on shopping mall car parks.

Studies after Nature is an art book designed by Till Gathmann that is an extension of a photo project. Formally it showcases the work as a book of plates, but complements it with the possibility of reconstructing the process that led to the works. It becomes a sort of reference book, with explanations and/or reference systems constructed in the same way as that which is portrayed. The three parts of Studies after Nature refer to conventional photographic/artistic work methods, from documentary-based collection and archiving to the serial representation of a motif in its various stages of development.

Jürgen Bergbauer, *1968 in Straubing, Germany; lives and works in Leipzig.

nominated: Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2010

2009,Hardcover, Schutzumschlag
29 × 21 cm,70 Pages
48 B/W images
Edition: 450

Language: German

ISBN: 978-3-902675-18-7


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