>Gallery >Exhibitions >Friedl Kubelka-Bondy

Friedl Kubelka


The works on display at FOTOHOF and the Salzburg College Gallery span the majority of Friedl Kubelka-Bondy’s work. The exhibits include her very early works from Paris as well as the three annual portraits produced to date and the large 1000-part portraits and daily portraits. The exhibition at both venues provides a comprehensive impression.

About »Paris«:

»I had a commercial photo studio and was a fashion photographer when I took my first self-portrait in 1971. Self-portraits were unusual at that time and for me it was an invention, or rather it came from my lifestyle and also from the architecture of the apartment in which I still live and work. I was alone a lot, but I had a mirror and the only movement in the apartment was my reflection, so I started to live with the mirror without realizing it. «
from: Friedl Kubelka-Bondy, FOTOHOF Info, issue 1/1984

In Kooperation mit Salzburg College