Hohe Dosis
Matthias Aschauer, Michael Aschauer, Anna Barfuss, Franz Bergmüller, Miklos Boros, Heinz Cibulka, Inge Dick, Peter Dressler, Andreas Duscha, VALIE EXPORT, Sissi Farassat, Gertrud Fischbacher, Thomas Freiler, Bernhard Fuchs, Philippe Gerlach, G.R.A.M, Robert Gruber, Maria Hahnenkamp, Heidi Harsieber, Ilse Haider, Caroline Heider, Matthias Herrmann, Maurer + Horáková, Michael Huey, Werner Kaligofsky, Angelika Kampfer, Leo Kandl, Herwig Kempinger, Matthias Kessler, Aglaia Konrad, Paul Kranzler, Markus Krottendorfer, Krüger & Pardeller, Friedl Kubelka, Hans Kupelwieser, Tatiana Lecomte, Paul Albert Leitner, Ulrike Lienbacher, Anja Manfredi, Christopher Mavric, Michaela Moscouw, Marko Mestrovic, Annelies Oberdanner, Markus Oberndorfer, Michael Part, Klaus Pichler, Hans Pollhammer, Lois Renner, Judith Rohrmoser, Isa Rosenberger, Gabriele Rothemann, Gregor Sailer, Nikolaus Schletterer, Elisabeth Schmirl, Wolfgang Thaler, Otmar Thormann, Timotheus Tomicek, Günther Selichar, Margherita Spiluttini, Günter Stöger, Ingeborg Strobl, Rudolf Strobl, Katharina Struber, Martin Vesely, Christian Wachter, Manfred Willmann, Anita Witek, Andrea Witzmann, Elisabeth Wörndl, Michael Ziegler
The exhibition entitled “Hohe Dosis. Recherchen zum Fotografischen heute“ is a FOTOHOF exhibition project on the status of photography in Austria today. Photography is a powerful medium for perceiving the world and reflecting on it, perhaps more so now in the 21st century than ever before. Our aim through the exhibition is to explore what today characterises the medium of photography at its core, i.e. what is “high-dosage” photography, as the title suggests? Especially at a time of dramatic technological changes in image production and in the use and presentation of the medium, we are interested in examining both the constants and the variables of the photographic apparatus or dispositif.
The exhibition features a cross-section through contemporary Austrian photography, with widely differing approaches, methods and strategies.
The exhibition is at two locations: the FOTOHOF itself and the exhibition venue in Attersee. While the “high dosage” concept is meant to be accessible in its own right at each of the two exhibition venues, we do see the two exhibitions as a single entity – which is why we recommend the two exhibitions and look forward to welcoming you at both.
Curators: Brigitte Blüml-Kaindl, Rainer Iglar, Kurt Kaindl, Michael Mauracher

In the foyer of the Atterseehalle, the exhibition is permanently accompanied by a film program curated by Siegfried A. Fruhauf in cooperation with sixpackfilm.
Films by: Michael Aschauer (aka m.ash), Miklos Boros, Carola Dertnig, Nikolaus Eckhard, Siegfried A. Fruhauf, KarØ Goldt, Dariusz Kowalski, Claudia Larcher, Nana Swiczinsky