Inge Morath
Where I See Color
On the 100th birthday
Inge Morath has become famous for her impressive black and white portrait photographs and reportages of large cultural areas. On the occasion of her 100th birthday, the FOTOHOF is showing an exhibition of her color works for the first time. Like many of her Magnum colleagues, she also took color photographs on slide film throughout her life. This was primarily for publication in illustrated magazines, but she also repeatedly used individual color photos in her black-and-white picture books. Inge Morath herself has said that she photographs color where she sees color.
John P. Jacob, the first director of the Inge Morath Estate, compiled the color works for an exhibition in New York in 2009, and a large cross-section of them is now being shown in Austria for the first time. Pigment prints were made from the original scans at the im FOTOHOF>ARCHIVE.
FOTOHOF>ARCHIVE owns a large collection of documents on Inge Morath. In addition to the exhibition, a biographical sketch will be compiled from them in the studio. Her color reports are presented in showcases in the original 1950s illustrated magazines. They will allow comparison with the color works in the main exhibition. On the walls will be some of her black and white vintage prints as well as text documents written by herself.