Hydra Editorial / Inframundo
Verlage zu Gast N°3
Visiting Publishers presents dedicated international publishing programs in the library’s studio gallery. The third issue is dedicated to the Mexican publisher HYDRA Editorial.
HYDRA defines itself as a platform for the development of photographic projects based on reflection, dialogue and collaboration between artists, institutions and publishers. The House of Photography in Mexico City was founded in 2012 by Ana Casas Broda, Gabriela González Reyes and Gerardo Montiel Klint as an inclusive, flexible and open space.
In 2014, the publishing project HYDRA Editorial was initiated with the publication of several photobooks, some in collaboration with larger publishers such as RM and La Fábrica.
In 2018, the collective project INFRAMUNDO started with the presentation of 22 photobooks by Latin American photographer:s that emerged from the HYDRA program INCUBADORA DE FOTOLIBROS. This workshop program offers authors the opportunity to develop their books with the support of international experts, designers and curators.