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VALIE EXPORT - Trans:Territorien oder die Häuser der Schildkröten

Trans:Territorien oder die Häuser der Schildkröten


Transcension, expansion and inversion, transport and transfer, the shift (in meaning) – all notions that imply motion – are the main factors defining Export’s work. She has located, discovered and created “territories”or “territorial assemblages” that oppose the social, apparative and ideological conventions. From here she has unearthed lines of flight, opened up blockages. “The Houses of Turtles” is a metaphor that can be applied to the artist herself. Her “being at home” takes place within a process, as both a subject and object of action and movement. (S. Eiblmayr)

VALIE EXPORT, *1940 in Linz, Austria. Lives and works in Vienna.

21 × 30 cm,36 Pages
15 Colour images
HG: International Summer Academy for Fine Arts
Text: Silvia Eiblmayr, Gabriele Groschner

Language: English, German

ISBN: 978-3-901756-11-5


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